
On the 8th April 2014 there was a large exodus of students and teachers from St. Ailbe’s – destination, our Capital. As the numbers were large we split into two groups.

The Transition Year group went with the 1st years to visit The Dáil and were given an all exclusive tour. We saw the Dáil in session and Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan arguing about money and the peril that the country was in. We then saw the Seanad during which we got to meet Senator and human rights activist, David Norris which was a real privilege. Our group then went to the Natural History Museum (otherwise known as the “Dead Museum”) and got to see many wonders in front of our very eyes. Hundreds of animals from our ancient past on display to us. It truly was amazing.

The 5th year and the 2nd year group went to Kilmainham Jail. This is a former prison which is now a museum. It has been run since the mid 1980s. As part of our visit the year groups got to see the cells of all the Irish patriots during the 1916 rising and where they were executed. It was a real privilege to see where the great people of our nation lost their lives. After that insight into our history they went to Dundrum Shopping Centre.

At 5pm the entire school group gathered outside The Bord Gáis Theatre and were given their tickets to the widely critically acclaimed Warhorse. After exploring the amazing architecture of the Bord Gáis, we went inside and sat down not knowing of the wonders that awaited us. The show is about a young boy and his beloved horse and their trials and tribulations during the dark days of WW1, leading to an ending that is sure not to disappoint.

South Africa’s hand spring puppet company brings breathing, galloping, full scale horses to life on the stage – their flanks, hides and sinews built from steal leather and aircraft cables. The day truly was an experienced unmatched by any other.

The expedition was organised by Mr McGrath and Mr Quirke. All involved are very grateful for their efforts for organising a pretty unforgettable day.